22 September 2021

Today there is wide international recognition of the role that public space plays in generating successful cities. But many doubts arise and there is a lack of initiatives to promote the creation, maintenance and use of parks.

What is an urban park? What are its benefits? What do you need to be successful? Within the classification of the regulations for Environmental Management in the Municipality of León, an urban park is a "real property for common use intended for afforestation and equipped for carrying out cultural, sports and environmental education activities."

These spaces bring social benefits such as health, recreation, education, coexistence, among others, as well as environmental benefits by improving air quality, climate improvement, protection of water catchment areas, and waste reduction.

What do they need to be successful? It is important that parks achieve in people a sense of belonging and recreational behavior to really fulfill their function, mainly the support of different components that have a specific function, for example a bench where people can sit to read, talk, etc. A track to run to activate our sense of sport, a playground for children to develop their psychomotor, social and cognitive skills, in short, each component has different and efficient functions.

The design and logistics of these is important to invite and attract people to a collective good, that is why at Playclub we care about designing recreation areas that integrate communities through children's games, urban equipment, and exercisers.
